Tuesday, June 21, 2011

PE4_Web 2.0 Calculator

I have spent time researching the Web 2.0 tools and contemplating realistic ways I could use some of these tools in my classroom environment.  There were many that I'd like to try, but this week I found one to be of great use.  I teach in an environment where some students are equipped with the resources needed for class and some are left wanting.  Many come to me with the basic necessities - paper, pencils, erasers - regularly.  Some, however, often due to their own negligence do not.  One item I often put on the supply list for students is a graphing calculator.  It is not required, but strongly recommended that each student acquires one.  In the event that the student verbalizes that getting one of these calculators is not possible, I recommend that they obtain a scientific calculator.  Despite those efforts, it seems that when I assign homework that involves using one, I am told that they don’t have one at home.  Due to these restraints, I tend to assign these types of assignments as class work.  Though this has enabled them to use technology available in class, it limits the students’ ability to complete the tasks independently and therefore, reduces their level of understanding.  Therefore, Web 2.0 Calculator is a tool that they can use to perform necessary computations as most of the students have access to computers at home.  The use of this tool will enable them to have the availability to use a scientific calculator without any additional financial investment.

The tool can be found at http://www.web2.0calc.com/

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