Thursday, June 2, 2011

BP1_Welcome to My Blog!

Oh, what a peculiar title for my blog!  It was inspired by a student.

I remember the day I came up with the grand idea of documenting my experiences in the classroom.  I had the pleasure of having a class full of colorful characters from different backgrounds with different challenges.  They had become accustomed to me taking care of quite a bit of the responsiblity for them, but I had begun the transition from teacher directed learning to student initiated instruction.  They were a bit unnerved by the transition and one student asked me why things had to change.  I laughed and responded, "You guys really think my world revolves around you."  The student responded, "Cuz it do!"  We all laughed.  However, that day began the change.  That student walked into my classroom today on his way to graduation rehearsal and smiled.  He said, "I thought it did, but I now understand why you wanted us to learn that the world really didn't revolve around us.  Thank you."

I am the mother of one, teacher and mentor to many.  Everyday is a new adventure.  Some adventures are enjoyable, some challenging.  This blog will give you a sneak peak into the life of one who seeks to enrich the lives of all that she touches, but whose professional focus is doing just that in the lives of the adolescents with whom I come in contact.

I'd like to welcome you to the "Cuz It Do" excursion.  It is my hope that you will embark on this journey with me.  It will surely be filled with stories of love, laughter, tears and triumph.

"To love what you do and feel that it matters - how could anything be more fun?"  
Katherine Graham


  1. Chonnie, I love the story behind your title choice! It's great! Your dedication to teaching and touching the lives of our youth put a smile on my face and warmth in my heart! I'm looking forward to following your blogs and sharing this education experience with you.


  2. What a great story and a fantastic pic! Way to go! Massive points for style and layout as well. I love it!

  3. I love your blog post and your page design. Hearing you express your passion for teaching and touching lives is heartwarming. I also enjoyed your writing style. It is very warm friendly and inviting and I definitely want to follow your posts.
