Saturday, June 4, 2011


For my class, we were asked to used one web 2.0 tool to create a unique way to present information.  The wordle is one of the universally useful tools that can be used as it is applicable in all content areas.  I thought of a plan to create a wordle for the vocabulary for Chapter 1 of the Algebra 2 curriculum currently used within my school building.  This wordle can be used in various ways:

  1. to create and enlarged word wall that will be posted through the study of Chapter 2 in the classroom
  2. to create an 8 1/2" by 11" vocabulary sheet that can be used to preview the vocabulary, refer back to the vocabulary and review the vocabulary during the course of the unit.
  3. to provide a summary sheet of vocabulary to the parents to keep them informed about what the topics being covered in class.
First, I typed the vocabulary into the necessary website when I was able to access the information.

Next, I submitted the information into the system of the tool.  It takes the vocabulary that has been inputted and organizes it in a visually stimulation manner.  One of the examples of the initial output is shown below.

Once your wordle is generated, it can be changed by using some to the links above the newly created picture.  One of the links you can use is the layout.  The layout button is one of the buttons you can use.  It changes the manner in which the words are arranged on the page.  Below is an example of the changes made by selecting this button.  The layout is dramatically different than the one above.

Last, but not least, you can use the color button to make changes to the color (background and text font).  An example of such a change is shown below.

Wordle can be found at


  1. I love Wordle! Another fun thing to do with a Wordle word cloud is to take a screen shot, then manipulate it in Photoshop or just use it as is and add graphics in the spaces.

  2. Chonnie thank you so much for reminding me about this awesome tool. I intend to share your blog with my class, and then ask them to begin building concept Wordle's about their fifth grade year! Do you think that anyone has devised a way to make these in video format? Imagine how powerful it would be to have the words slide into place slowly with selectable background music!
