Sunday, January 22, 2012

MAC Week 3 Blog Post 2 - Leadership Project

The Leadership Project is one that I have contemplated at length over the past week.  I initially intended to submit a paper for publication, but have since decided to do a presentation.  My decision was based primarily on the ability to share the presentation not only at a conference, but via internet to educators of interest that are able and willing to begin making changes in the classroom to improve the performance of the students.

The first organization to which I would like to submit a proposal is the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics for their 2013 Regional Conference in Baltimore, MD.  I considered applying for a conference scheduled for this year, however the proposals for 2012 conferences were due in November 2011.  I would like to present at this particular venue because I am a high school math teacher and we, as math teachers, often attend workshops about technology that have little instruction about how we can integrate it in our specific content area.  Therefore, I would like to present at this conference to an audience of math teachers.  The website for this organization is  

The second organization to which I would like to submit a proposal is Educon 2.4 whose website is  The reason I have interest in this organization is the list of axioms they have on their website are aligned with my own beliefs and goals.  Therefore, I'd like to have the opportunity to not only present, but also network at their conference.

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