Sunday, January 29, 2012

MAC Week 4 Blog 1

In Chapter 9, the book, The Art of Possibility, talks about the concept of enrollment.  This process is one that charges you with viewing others as a possibility for enrollment, having a willing spirit ready to be inspired, when something moves you, have the courage to grasp onto the spark that Is ignited within you and expecting others to also respond to that spark.  It charges you with fearlessly allowing the excitement of a new idea to inspire you to action in collaboration with others.

The practice of being on board that is presented in chapter 10 is an empowering practice.  You are here to make a difference.  You are the captain of your own ship and the owner of your circumstances.  When you have an idea that is rejected by others, you have the ability to persuade them by presenting evidence of the benefits of the idea as opposed to retreating and releasing an idea that may benefit others.

The practice of framing possibility is a powerful, visionary one.  I dream big and set goals far beyond that which others consider normal or attainable.  To that end, there has to be a plan to attain that goal that others can buy in to.  The plan must be implemented in such a way that it gives evidence along the way of it effectiveness to increase the number of people willing to buy in.  The implementation must be focused in a way that eliminates hinderances and presses toward successes.

Telling the We story is an inclusive practice that presents historical, current and future circumstances collectively to make all parties feel included and part owner of what has happened, so that they will participate in what is happening to affect what will happen.


  1. I love this sentence, "It charges you with fearlessly allowing the excitement of a new idea to inspire you to action in collaboration with others." This part was so amazing to me too. Taking the world, the people in it, and change without feer but with the same wonder of a kindergartener. I love to see the kindergarten or Pre-K each week. It reminds me of the wonder and amazement the world holds for us if we are willing to release control and feel like we are not entitled to understanding just participation. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Having vision for ones life and ones goals is so essential. To be able to dream and see further, as you wrote, are such powerful concepts. May your visions serve you well.
