Sunday, January 29, 2012

MAC Week 4 Wimba Post

Most unfortunately, I was unable to attend this week's Wimba because of a speaking engagement.  However, I did solicit feedback from two of my classmates about my presentation and below is the shared feedback.  I took the suggestions into consideration with making adjustments to my presentation.

Gail Mebane said:

I just reviewed your presentation and I think that your CBR project was amazing.  I learned a lot about the achievement gap that I didn't know before; Thank you!  I think that more educators should work on closing that gap.  You have the makings of a fantastic presentation.  I love the pictures on the second and third slides; beautiful!  I found a couple of typos on the slides. (slide 2, second bullet point: as well [as]; slide 8, last bullet point: organizers that [are] informative).  I know that you used an abbreviated format and not complete sentences on the bullet points and I think that works fine.

In addition, here are my suggestions for improvement of the presentation:  (1) Add more slides so that you can have less text on each slide and add some more graphics to break up the text and make the slides more fun to look at.  This was a suggestion that was given to a lot of people during the Wimba session.  (2) When you talk about differential selection and processing, I don't know what you mean by that.  Are you talking about something that happens outside the school or inside the school?  I need clarification on that and exactly what you mean by those terms?  I imagine that there will be others who don't know also.  It would be helpful to give a definition and perhaps some examples to clarify what you are talking about here.  (3) Add a conclusion to your presentation to summarize what you talked about and tie everything up neatly for your audience.

The heartfelt nature of your work comes through in the presentation and I believe you are a big asset to your students and to your school.  This information is desperately need.  So, it is great that you have decided to share what you have done, to educate people about this topic and how to implement some solutions that work.  Great job!

Marquita Gulley shared:

I have taken a look at your leadership project and it was amazing.  I love how you added visuals and kept it to the point.  Your slides were great and concise. Your speakers notes provided much detail to the information in the slides.

1 comment:

  1. Great job getting such complete responses to your work. I really look forward to reviewing your project.
